Friday, October 12, 2007

The Future of Truck Tires

By L. Winslow Platinum Quality Author

No one can deny that one of the most problematic issues or pieces of equipment for Modern Day Trucks are the tires. In fact something really needs to be done. All too often the Truckers suffer from breakdowns due to blow outs, stuck on the side of the road for hours - sometimes in very dangerous places too.

"One major problem with trucks are the tires!"

Indeed this was one of the opening statements as our Online Think Tank discussed how best to solve the challenges of tires in the trucking industry. It is known that tires are not a serious consideration in trucking. Certainly they are a huge factor. Dr. Nathalie Fiset explains the problem of blow-out truck tires causing flying debris on the highway;

"Hence, so often you have to steer on the highway to avoid a tire truck that had exploded because they are made of recycled material. The other problem is the pollution these cause. If you can create a truck tire that would not leave dangerous debris on the road and would be 100% biodegradable, you would be my hero!"

Indeed and since everyone wants to be a hero our T-5 Group (The Truck Think Tank Team) took this as a challenge. Much of our conversation originally centered how to make tires better and what material to use to make them stronger. It was conceived that making tires out of carbon nano-tubes was feasible and they would not ever be totally ruined, as they could be repaired through frequency manipulation and the carbon nano-tubes would re-align.

In fact it was thought that, they would do that automatically upon being pierced, but by what? What could make it through Carbon Nano-Tubes? A bullet perhaps or Spikes from driving out the wrong way from a paid parking lot? Maybe that might be impossible too.

But if it did happen then the carbon nano-tubes would re-configure most likely. Oh well there goes the re-tread industry and no more old tires filling up junk yards or becoming perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes or catching on fire and burning for all eternity. Unfortunately, there is a big problem to all this? And that is the tires would then be stronger than the roads themselves.

Therefore all the roads would need a few layers of carbon nano-tubes to protect them from the super strong tires. On T-5 Group member noted that the roads could be negatively charged and take the CO2 out of the air and grab the carbon and use through ion-attraction add it to the roadway as additional surface.

A road that re-paves itself and as funny as this sounds the theory does hold up and it is possible by applying just a few simple tricks of chemistry and physics. So you keep on trucking and we will keep on thinking and we hope to meet you on the road ahead.

L. Winslow is a Transportation, Technology and Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.


supermaine said...

Having the best
super swamper tire for trucks is essential for a more safe and comfortable driving.

Jeff said...

truck wheels are surely one of the problems of any truck owners like me. Its really hard to find a good set of tires for my truck. If they can make a tire that doesnt blow out... it will surely save us a lot of trouble.