Sunday, March 2, 2008

Double Wide Trailers

By Tony Pang Platinum Quality Author

Have you ever thought about how we rank everything on a continuum? We seem to love to compare things and then judge the worth of each thing and place it on a scale of what fair good and best. This usually starts with individuals opinions and then as more people agree the rankings become a general consensus.

We do this with everything from what brand of peanut butter we prefer to which hotel we are going to stay in. We also do this with housing choices. When most people are starting out they cannot afford to own their home. They begin with renting an apartment. For people in rural areas many time rentals will include a trailer home, or mobile home. When people have enough money to purchase land but not enough to build a home alternatives that are looked at are double wide trailers. The improvements that have been made on them are remarkable. Double wide trailers provide a great alternative for the person that does not have the money or the time to create a home from the ground up. The construction of the double wide trailers has greatly improved.

In the past double wide trailers used to look like regular trailer houses only wider. Today it is difficult to be able to tell them apart from stick built homes. There are many models to choose from. Some look like ramblers, others are two stories with dormers. If you have the time you can have one custom built regarding the lay out of the rooms. In most models that are knew you pick out the flooring, wall colors, cabinets, bathroom fixtures, and trim just as you would in any other home built. Many of the fifty-five and older communities in popular retirement areas are featuring the double wide trailer as the home for the future. They can be placed on a basement foundation or on a slab; they can have decks attached, as well as garages built on to them. Because of their sound construction they tend to be quite economical to heat and cool. Many resorts and golf courses are using them as their rental properties. They are more economical initially and have the same life span as a house built on sight. The price is lower because several of the homes can be worked on at one time by a crew that stays in one location. This cuts down on the labor cost. You can have one group that does the framing and another that does the more skilled labor. Double wide trailers are moving up the continuum regarding a choice for housing. Due to better construction materials and labor they are a sound alternative for housing.

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